Agencies / Ministries

RP Global Alliance

    The Reformed Presbyterian Global Alliance (RPGA) is a consultative community of Reformed Presbyterian Churches worldwide. Formed in June 2015 by the RP Churches of Australia (RPCA), Ireland (RPCI), North America (RPCNA), and Scotland (RPCS), it also represents the RP Churches in Canada and Japan which are currently part of the RPCNA. The RP Global Alliance has a confessional foundation and provides a forum for co-operation between the member RP churches in mutually agreed areas.

    The goal of the RP Global Alliance is to work together in order to better utilize the resources already existing within the worldwide RP Church, in the fulfilment of our collective God-given responsibilities. It also provides a means by which other Presbyterian and Reformed churches in the world can access this worldwide Reformed Presbyterian community, a community which in the providence of God has been a part of the visible Church for the past 300 years. Churches seeking to become members of the RPGA can do so by submission to the RPGA’s doctrinal constitution through the recommendation of two existing member RP Churches.

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Jesus Held Up

God’s presence through His people in times of suffering

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